We remind You that soon SISTROM Company will take part in the construction exhibition OSM-2019 at Moscow Expocenter which will be held from January 29 till February 2 2019. We invite You to visit our booth # В-14, hall 5, pavilion #7 where the latest invention Moroccan tiles by SISTROM will be presented. All visitors of the SISTROM booth will receive a unique bonus!

We would like to inform you that New catalog of Sistrom Ltd is issued which has last SISTROM novelties and developments of 2017-2018.
You can download the pdf file of the catalog from http://www.sistrom.com/SistromCatalog_2018-web.pdf
Only until September, 30 2017 with the purchase of SISTROM Technology You get a set of molds for the production of balusters for FREE!
Take your opportunity to get all SISTROM technology set, half price!
BEST OFFER - 50% only till November 1, 2017

<span sans-serif;="" l",="" sans="" "nimbus="" cy",="" "helvetica="" arial,="" 41);="" 41,="" rgb(41,="" 11.998px;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"="">Sistrom Company will take part in the main building exhibition of the year OSM-2017 which will be held in Moscow "Expocentre" from 24 to 27 January 2017. We invite You to visit our stand number C-301 in pavilion №7

Buy SISTROM Technology before 1 October and get set of molds for FREE!
For more detailes write on philipk@sistrom.com

On May 29 Sistrom company celebrated its anniversary - 25 years since foundation!
If you buy technology SISTROM by the end of May 2016 you will get a special gift - set of plastic moulds for production.

SISTROM Ltd. has invented the unique technology for production of lacy concrete in the special plastic molds.

Only till the 1st of 2016 You will get Christmas gift if you buy the SISTROM technoloty or the SISTROM moulds.