Equipment for small business
Nowadays there are lots of proposals for the equipment for small business. By this we mean small production but not the service sector. What differentiate such equipment from another? We suppose cost and productivity are the main criteria of such equipment. It is clear that the very expensive equipment and large production volume are not about small business - it is another story. On closer investigation of the assortment of proposed equipment it strikes the eye plenty of small devices, appliance and mechanism which are used in industrial, agricultural and light industry. However there is a small choice of the equipment for mini factories in the construction materials production. It is reasonable because the construction area is known for its giant companies with extremely expensive and high-performance equipment on board. It is quite difficult for a small business to compete with big companies that is why it is always fall behind the competition though there are many exceptions. In that case if small business is based on the innovation and much better on the patented inventions which do not have analogues in the world than it can expect breakthrough.
The first question is: Where could I be familiar with these innovations? - Welcome to SISTROM Company. SISTROM holds 20 innovative patented technologies for manufacture of products out artificial stone on the cement and sand basement.
The second question is: What is the cost of the SISTROM factory including all equipment? - It is affordable for a small business – 20 000 USD.
The third question is: What could be produced on this equipment? – More than 500 types of products like facing tile for indoor and outdoor finishing, steps, windowsills, table tops, carpet, balustrade, fireplaces, pavement and etc. Big factory engaged in the construction industry can not compete on such a great assortment, quality and exclusivity.
The last question is: How soon the investments return? The practice has shown that even with 50% load of the production the investments return within 6 months.
SISTROM Technology and equipment have been sold to 75 countries.